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Pastor's Devotional Thoughts

Writer's picturePastor Myoung Kwon

This past Tuesday morning, Singapore based cargo ship Dali lost power and collided into a pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, MD. The bridge collapsed instantly, with multiple vehicles falling into the body of water, and 6 people losing their lives. I watched the video of the bridge collapsing over and over again, in disbelief. When the 984 feet long ship had contact with the pillar, the massive 1.6 mile long bridge crumbled like nothing. It was truly shocking and tragic.

I am not sure if this is appropriate to use this tragic incident as an illustration to share my thoughts, but two things came into my mind as I saw the video footage of this tragedy. First, nothing lasts forever. The mighty kingdoms mentioned in Daniel 2 conquered the world, but they all fell at the rise of the next kingdom, inferior to the previous ones. There is only one kingdom that will last forever. “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed… and it shall last forever.” Daniel 2:44.

Secondly, be prepared and be on the watch. When the ship crew realized that they lost power and the ship was drifting, they immediately issued a “mayday,” in which the port authorities took action to stop incoming traffic onto the bridge. This prevented from more people losing their lives that morning. Everyone responded swiftly and immediately. “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” Matthew 25:13.

This world will not last, and Jesus is coming soon. Let us be ready.

Writer's picturePastor Myoung Kwon

“For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one accord.” Zephaniah 3:9

Our true characters emerge on the road while driving. One afternoon, I was waiting for my turn to get on the highway during rush hour. When my lane light turned green, I gently stepped on the gas pedal to enter the highway, when suddenly the car on my right lane accelerated and cut in front of me. It was close and I lost it. I honked at the car and I almost would have said some not-so-nice words, only to remember that my daughters were sitting in the back.

Sebin asked why I sounded the horn, as it surprised both of the girls. I tried to explain what just happened but  I was mad at that moment so I couldn’t properly speak my words. I came back to my senses shortly after.

I am so glad I didn’t say those words out loud. Even though I was not at fault, I know I could have handled it better by not sounding the horn. I would like to pray that God will always restore a pure language (lips) to my mouth and that I will only use it to call on God and praise His name. And I want to become a good example to my family and those around me. I pray that God will restore to each one of our church family pure lips, that will glorify and honor His name.

Writer's picturePastor Myoung Kwon

“And said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3

When I speak with my parents on the phone, I don’t spend too much time talking with them. The conversation is brief and casual, and then they want to speak with my children. They spend a lot more time with the kids than spending time with me. I have no problem with that and I can see why.

When the girls were babies, It was interesting to see the girls interact with Hyemi at home. Sebin was 3 years old and she was old enough to know stuff and she didn’t always need mommy. So when Sebin is playing in the living room and Hyemi is passing by, Sebin wouldn’t look at Hyemi. Sebin just pays attention to what she would be doing. The only time Sebin looked at Mommy was when she needed something or when Hyemi was offering food.

Sejin is the youngest in the home. At that time she was only 8 months old. She is different. Mommy is all the world to her. By that time she was big enough to hold onto something higher and stand up. She would be busy playing but when mommy shows up, her face enlightens and her eyes follow wherever mommy is. When Hyemi walks to the left, Sejin’s eyes follow. When Hyemi walks to the right, Sejin’s eyes will follow. When Hyemi disappears to the kitchen, she starts crying. How sweet is that?

I can see why Jesus says we should be like children. As you get older, your attention to your parents seems to get less and less. Like Sejin looking for mommy all the time, we need to be like her, looking for Jesus all the time.

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